Call for Applications for the NIB Trust Fund

The ILC would like to support you with your application for funding for the NIB Trust Individual Application. The ILC will assist with your application for funding for AFOA Canada’s Certified Aboriginal Financial Management (CAFM) Program, Certified Aboriginal Professional Administrator (CAPA) Program or the NEW Certified Indigenous Human Resources Professionals (I-HRP) Program. 

Deadline: June 5, 2020, 5:00 pm EDT

For more information, please contact Sara Roundpoint, Executive Coordinator at 613-722-5543 or

Application Opportunities

Available to applicants who wish to take the following programs: 

  1. Online courses for the Certified Aboriginal Financial Management (CAFM) Program; 
  2. Certified Aboriginal Professional Administrator (CAPA) Program – Cohort 11, Online or Independent; or 
  3. NEW! Certified Indigenous Human Resources Professionals (I-HRP) Program – Cohort 1. 

Applicants must provide proof of First Nations status or Métis citizenship.